Non-Relieving Regulator

Air Logic's Modular Subminiature Non-Relieving Regulator is configured for accurate regulations of pressure without needing a pressure bleed. Setpoint creep and over-shoot are minimized by a combination of elastomeric seat and go high seat force. In an open system, Non-Relieving Regulator will operate without the risk of set point creep. In a closed system, Non- Relieving Regulator should only be used in combination with secondary relief.

The Unique Modular Dovetail design allows the regulator to be configured individually or assembled into a modular combination of pneumatic components.


  • Configurable Ports
  • Excellent Repeatability
  • Miniature Size
  • Non-Rising Stem with 20 Turns
  • Pressure Compensated Design
  • Zero Supply Consumption
  • Elastomeric Seat
  • High Seat Force

Non-Relieving Regulator Files